Hello there, and welcome to Costly Coins!
My name is Simon Barker and I am 32, but my long-lasting love affair with coins, the rare, special and collectible ones, started when I was a little kid. That love for interesting and rare coins never left me though. Because here I am, living in London and one of my driving passions is coins.
Why I Started Costly Coins
My love for collecting coins is what drove me to establish Costly Coins. I was dissatisfied with the resources available online. There didn’t seem to be a coin collecting site that was aim at the everyday average joe who was just wanting to make some smart investment choices or who loved intricately designed currency.
I saw Costly Coins as an opportunity to fill that gap in the market and supply what the interested people were demanding.
What Costly Coins Covers
As this site is a bit of a labour of love and I don’t always get as much time to work on it as I would prefer, progress is still rather slow. However, I am very much of the school of thought that patience and taking your time is better than wanting everything now and rushing into everything.
Having said all that, my aim is to look at all aspects of coin collecting in the UK. I want this site to become the number on spot, the authoritative resource for anyone looking to find out more about a particular coin or a selection of coins they should be interested in finding and investing in.
Detailed Information on Coins
I like to set this site apart from the competition. It’s not about just telling you the coins you should be investing in. I want to explain why they are so special and why they deserve your investment. Therefore, at Costly Coins I give you the full background on the designers, the design, the value of the coin, the date it was minted and so much more. While some of the information you may have already known, I am sure you will find out things that are completely new to you.
Passing On What I Know
Anyone who has a passion for anything will know what it’s like when you get to that stage and want to start sharing what you’ve learned with the world. That’s the stage I am at now. I want others who have a very basic interest in coins or who are still wondering if it’s right them to the more experienced collectors to share my love for this subject. I can’t help but speak about my passion (as any of my friends will attest to).
Like I say, the site is still in its very early stages, but more content will be added soon enough and regularly too. I want this to be the site you talk to your friends and relatives about when they ask about collecting coins. I have been strongly focused on collectable 50p.